Screenshots I liked the most (bold) & ToC (italic)

On any page, if you have modern browser/JS, you can also view screenshots in order - view one, hover over it

  1. Misc (mostly shooting)
  2. Washington
  3. Wasteland
  4. More scenery...
  5. Few more unrepresentative indoor shots...
  6. People falling into parts (few)
  7. More people falling into parts...
  8. People/etc NOT falling into parts
  9. Exploding things...
  10. Bugs!..
  11. Other stuff (small categories)...

Misc (mostly shooting)

Nice dynamics... behemoth is in there :)

Fallout 3 Screenshot

I'm superman! Rocket jump, Fallout style.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

This guy totally doesn't see it coming.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Moon and dark omens.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Fawkes, and bad guys escaping from exploding Raven Rock.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Nuke'em! Note the flying guy.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Some more combat.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Different behemoth being owned by nuka grenades. Washington monument in the background.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Same guy, posing.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Big-ass robot that brotherhood has.

Fallout 3 Screenshot


Lincoln Memorial (and Charon).

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Metro (and Charon).

Fallout 3 Screenshot

View from Lincoln Memorial.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Fighting in front of the Capitol.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

View from Rivet City.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Outskirts of Washington.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

That's fitting...

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Mutants in the city.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Cozy street.

Fallout 3 Screenshot


Wasteland (and Charon).

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Wasteland and relays.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Let's pray.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Relay and ruins.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

High hopes.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Road goes ever on.

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Road ahead (and some peaceful travellers)

Fallout 3 Screenshot

River of grey

Fallout 3 Screenshot

People falling into parts (few)

Here, the head seems to obey intertia :)

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Cowboy vs. ninja

Fallout 3 Screenshot